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SWAT is a multi-jurisdictional Special Weapons and Tactics Unit under the direct administration of the Sheriff, managed by the St. Clair County Sheriff's Office, and open to all St. Clair County law enforcement agencies through a memorandum of understanding (MOU). St. Clair County's multi-jurisdictional SWAT Team is on call 24 hours a day and may be called upon to respond to crisis events at any time of the day or night. The SWAT Team will respond to call-outs within established guidelines with the approval of the Sheriff of St. Clair County. During a Sheriff's Office-managed crisis event, a supervisor, patrol or otherwise, may request the SWAT Team through the chain of command. The Sheriff will make the final determination to activate the SWAT Team. An outside agency may request the assistance of the SWAT Team through the Sheriff. If it is determined that SWAT Team should be activated the call-out procedure remains the same. It is the policy of the Sheriff's Office SWAT Team to protect life and attempt to peacefully resolve all critical incidents. 

SWAT 2024

Lt Mike Doss Capt Phillip Barnard

  SWAT Commander


  SWAT Team Leader
